Sunday, November 30, 2008

Beserah Beach, Kuantan

2 weeks ago the official 7 weeks school break started. Since hubby will be away almost every weekend in late Nov and Dec so we thought we brought the kids for an early getaway. So we made a quick or rather last minute arrangement to bring them to the East coast, Kuantan. Since it was the first weekend of the school break so most of the touristy place was 'empty' still. So we sort of have the resort pretty much to ourselves. The boys enjoyed the beach very much.
We had dinner at the famous Pak Su Seafood restaurant. Food not only delicious but reasonably priced too (you cant get such price in KL well, maybe in Kuala Selangor) mmm... heaven!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Bollywood & Para para Sakura dances

These are the full video of Danial performing dance moves during his kindergarden graduation concert.
First dance is a Hindi song. He's at the back row, second boy from right.

Second dance is for the song Para Para Sakura. Back row, first boy from right.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Rainism - the 5th album

When Rain's Love Story video clip appeared in Channel V and MTV some 3 weeks ago, I was bombarded with questions like 'why is he so thin?, why the hair like that, have you seen it?, what do you think of the new songs?' etc. Like I'm a spoke person for him or something in the office. But okay being unofficially the most crazy person over Rain (at least in the office), I accept the challenges and answer such quiries diligently. But there are actually many new videos on his new album but Channel V/MTV only showed one so I'm subjected to answering the same question over and over again, everytime someone come across the music video on the TV screens and mind you there are MANY tv screens in my office. *sigh* but secretly ... I'm enjoying the limelight ha! ha! ^_^
I got the album last week and lucky for my youngest son that school break is here or he has to put up with me playing the CD over and over again in the car whenever I send him to school (those were my hubby's remark) which is very true! :)
Below is the sample of his new songs. Most of his video clips are not out yet but he performed in a few award and TV shows recently. The thing about Rain is that he is such a talented dancer that I really prefer 'seeing' him in action compare to just listening to his music especially those fast number. So enjoy.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Talking in Bed by Antonya Nelson

This is one of those 'clever' book which analyse human emotions, feelings and thoughts until it paralyses you, well at least me. Clearly this is not my type of book. The book reminds me of 'This much I know is true' book. Storyline definitely typical NOT. I can't help but thinking about the Oprah show where sometimes you seen the issue or problem brought forward for the day makes you go like 'these people have too much time on their hands' to worry/dwell upon these kinds of human emotion or unsolve problem they call it. For the rest of us, normal, ordinary folks -who doesnt has the luxury of time to search deep within you, we would just go c'mon, snap out of it and get on with life!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Kindergarden Musical

Danial my 6 year old, graduated from kindergarden last Saturday. Next year he will be in Primary One. He refused to disclose anything to us before the concert night that all of us were literally clueless of what he will be performing that night. Turned out that he participated in 2 dances. We really enjoyed ourselves at the concert which ended at 10pm. This is part one of his concert night.

Friday, November 14, 2008

1 Minute 1 Second by Epik High

I first heard this song bout 3 weeks ago on one of the Korean public radio station. Cant get it out of my head since. Its a fusion of hip hop and dare I say ballad? Ha! Ha! I'm not an expert in melody. All I know is I like the song especially the chorus- kinda catchy. Thanks to a video with a subtitle, now I understand the lyrics more (not that it ever matter to me). Most foreign songs I enjoyed, I dont even understand a single word. This is a good one from Epik High - enjoy.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Fridge magnet (85) - Cebu

Lucky hubby got back from his Cebu trip last Sunday evening. Amongst his extra luggage was a Phillipine made guitar which he bought. So he's been practising most of the night and I'm being serenade with guitar strum every nite before I fell asleep ^_^

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

from page 552

My sleep was interrupted at 0200hr. My eldest son has a headache. After attending to his needs, I found myself still awake at 0300hr and now my worry about unsolve issues at work has dominate my mind hence deprive me of any peaceful slumber. So I gave up of trying to sleep.

In my last post, I mentioned about this poem/passage I read in the book called 'September' that I want to share. So here it is:

Death is nothing at all. It does not count. I have only slipped away into the next room. Nothing has happened. Everything remains exactly as it was. I am I, and you are you, and the old life that we lived so fondly together is untouched, unchanged.
Whatever we were to each other, that we are still. Call me by the old familiar name. Speak of me in the easy way which you always used. Put no difference into your tone. Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow. Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes that we enjoyed together.
Play, smile, think of me, pray for me.
Let my name be ever the household word that it always was. Let it be spoken without an effort, without the ghost of a shadow upon it. Life means all that it ever meant. It is the same as it ever was. There is absolute and unbroken continuity.
What is this death but a neglible accident? Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight?
I am but waiting for you, for an interval, somewhere very near, just around the corner. All is well.
excerpt from September by Rosamunde Pilcher

I went to my late brother-in-law's 'kenduri tahlil'(extension of doa/prayers for the deceased, done in congregation) organized by my sis-in-law. This time around only the women were invited. After the session ended, my sis-in law shared her gratitude to all who were present especially to her parents, friends and neighbours and there were no dry eyes when she hugged her mother in tears of gratitude of still having her in her times of need.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

September by Rosamunde Pilcher

I managed to get myself feel kinda depressed tonite on a Saturday evening. My two sons had knocked off early around 8:30pm right after dinner. Danish had a fever which was passed by his younger brother Danial - who had it earlier and was off from kindergarden on Thursday and Friday. Hub is currently in Philippines and will only be back tomorrow night.
I dont feel like surfing the internet nor the TV channels. I cant force myself to sleep since I just had a mug of coffee so I do what I do best - read. And managed to finish the last few chapters of 'September'.
This is the type of book which you take to your favourite coffee outlet or any of your favourite place to unwind (preferably somewhere cold and comfy), tuck your feet under you and enjoy the book. Lovely.
At first I was quite lost since there were many characters in it, but you soon get used to them and their contribution to the story plot. The book let me unwind and best of all I can clearly picture the majestic, cold, beautiful land of Scotland in its passage.
There was a paragraph/poem in the book which made me think about my recently departed brother in law (exactly 1 week ago), but I think I will share this in the next post. Peace to all.

Monday, November 3, 2008

In memory

Our brother in-law succumbed to Thalassemia illness in the wee morning on Nov 2, 2008 (4 years after he was first diagnosed).
Words can't describe the lost and sadness that all of us felt especially the pain of losing a husband and a father that his wife and 2 children of 12 and 10 years old have to endure.
We will never forget you. Your kind words, your knowledge in sports, your wisdom in gardening and your creativity in home decorating will always inspire and remembered by all of us. We miss you. May Allah bless you always. Al Fatihah.

ps/My family received the sad news around 5am in the morning. Unfortunately, we were 4hrs away from KL attending hubby's company function. We left the hotel in a rush at around 0630am but still we couldn't make in time for his burial. Our last memory of 'arwah' was during last raya (exactly last month).