Thursday, January 15, 2009

of Shrek, Batman and Scooby Doo be doo ...

Having visited Disneyland in the States sooo lonnggg ago, I thought well maybe there's nothing much to surprise me further and this trip was more for my kids - boy was I wrong!! We (hubby and me) were as excited as our kids :)) There were two highlights for me when visiting the Movieworld @ GoldCoast; First was the Shrek 4D animation -Danial my youngest son was absolutely delighted and at awed. He kept reaching out with his hands towards the character, thanx to the 3D glasses. Secondly was my heart stopping Batwing ride which I rode with my eldest Danish. I was proud to be on it bcos my hubby dont dare to :p Maybe that was the last time I could ever go on such ride again. And I was absolutely terrified to be on the Scooby Doo ride. Dont let the name fooled you!! There's nothing cartoonish about that ride. It was awfully SCARY. I'm proud to say we rode on almost all the rides except for the ones that were closed.

1 comment:

GMG said...

Always thought Disneyland is best appreciated by adults... ;)
Beautiful pictures!
Blogtrotter (waiting for your comments on Delhi... ;))