Thursday, April 16, 2009

Vampires charm

I'm officially infatuated with vampires.
Literally of cos'

It all started last week, when I had the chance (well, I actually set an alarm to remind me) to watch TrueBlood. Managed to convince hubby to watch it with me. One episode lead to another and for all you know I'm watching all 4 premier episodes at one go on a working night. I went like okay one more, if it doesnt end after this I'm going to sleep etc and it finally ended at 0130hr where I had to woke hubby up (he was already snoring on the couch towards the end of 4th episode).

I managed to keep awake the next day and survived an early morning work in progress meeting and story telling session to a friend who didnt watch it. She ended up watching the reruns on Sunday night and slept at 4am! Soon we too will become vampires ourselves lol. But watching the sexy vampire Bill, both me and girlfriend agreed we wouldnt mind being the victim :)) I can stand the sexiness but the character is soo gentleman and that, melts me.

Last night, hubby bought for me the Twillight dvd. And I got another dose of admiration for the immortals. Have you seen Edward (the vampire guy) in this movie?? Ooohh.. he is soo white!! and okay cute. Both he and Bella (leading girl) makes a cute couple. Oh why do they have to portray vampires like rock stars or perhaps its the other way around? lol Despite of its many official trailer depicting scary/action scenes, it's really only a teen love story.

Okay got to go. Vampire Bill beckons me -(translated -TrueBlood the series is starting in 5 minutes).

Have a good weekend everybody


Kerry Droll said...

I had my obsession with vampires with The Lost Boys and Interview With A Vampire - there is a sexiness about the idea for sure. I haven't seen Twilight yet - I will eventually. Have fun!

GMG said...

Hi Leo! Congrats (a bit late) on your 12th anniversary (count many...)! Vampires? Only the Dance by Polanski... ;))

You wouldn’t guess where Blogtrotter is on its last post... ;)
Enjoy and have a great week!