Tuesday, February 16, 2010


cendolImage by ImipolexG via Flickr

I am absolutely, utterly , totally in love with this dessert call 'cendol'. Its basic ingredients are shaved ice, coconut milk, starch noodles (green in color), red beans and palm sugar. There are also other variants (the foodcourt or restaurant versions) which sometimes include vanilla ice cream or durian. But if you ask me, I prefer the roadside vendor style - the basic which sometimes may or may not include 'pulut' (glutinous rice).

My favourite roadside vendor will have to be the one back at my hometown at Manjong, Sitiawan. Owner's name is James. It's located just in front of the Hindu Temple. And this is not the first time I'm writing about this particular stall either (as if I have a share in it or something) Ohh ... but you just can't beat this cendol anywhere. Period. The sugar and ice will be just right. Not too sweet nor too dilute. Perfect.

I was there 3 days ago. Usually the crowd was manageable but this time around there was actually a long line. It was a hot afternoon just one day before Chinese New Year and I found that most of these people were from Singapore. They took the long holidays opportunity to drive down and of cos' savour Sitiawan's famous cendol. I had one in Geylang wet market Singapore just over three weeks ago but it was nothing compare to this. Besides this is just RM1.30 (without pulut) and that will be what ... S$0.50? No wonder.

So with my hubby, son and mother waiting in the car in the hot afternoon sun (they don't have sweet tooth like I do), I queued and waited for my turn to taste my favourite dessert cendol. Mmm, heaven.

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Trotter said...

Hi Leo! Sorry for another long absence, but after a busy start of the year I decided to make a break during the Carnival week, anticipating new hard weeks ahead!!

Can we change the beans? ;))

Meanwhile, Blogtrotter 2 is in Haiti. Hope you enjoy and have a great weekend!!

Kerry Droll said...

MMM That looks good - I've never heard of it but I'm going to check around and see if any place in Southern California serves that and give it a try!!

leo said...

Kerry, if u do manage to sample it in SoCal do tell! I would love to know.