Sunday, July 11, 2010


Eclipse - fanmade

So the movie is finally out here in KL, 1 week later than it's opening in the States. And I happened to be on leave on a Friday. Ha!Ha! No honestly, I took the day off so I can go and collect my boys school report card which happened in the morning and I have the rest of the afternoon. Thinking the rest of movie goers are at school or at work, I dragged my boys to watch the movie with me. And boy, was I wrong. We were lucky to get good seats for three bcos the theatre was packed at 2:30 in the afternoon on a week day!

Would you believe it that people were actually clapping especially after certain anticipated scenes? My boys were baffled but I totally got it especially if you are a fan of the book ^_^ Jacob (wolf boy) is much cuter than Edward (vampire) in this but Edward has the bestest lines to woo Bella and of cos' the female audiences who went awww...
My favourite scene surprisingly was ... the graduation speech by Jessica which I thought was well said.

This is my favourite book of the saga and I'm very happy of the outcome and having said that I'm sure everyone knows that I'm bias with everything that has to do with Twilight. Oh well ..
Studio's had given the green light for the 4th book to be made into a movie or maybe two since the last book is quite thick. Meanwhile I'm ready for my second dose of the movie (ha!ha! only fans are mad enough like this) and this time with hubby.

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