Tuesday, August 10, 2010

From Europe to Turkey

My sisters in-law went to several places for vacation recently. And I got pretty neat collection of fridge magnets from them.

K Lin followed hubby on a self drive travel to several Europe countries and got me these

Whilst K Long went with a friend to Turkey and I got this one from her:

So its 110 and counting ...

Monday, August 9, 2010

The Pilot's Wife by Anita Shreve

This book ponders the question of how well can we ever really know another person, even our own spouse.

p141 "It was why Mattie slept so long, Kathryn thought, to postpone that awful moment of knowing".

I finished reading this book quite sometime ago, 2 months ago on June 8 to be exact. Some lines in this book did strike a chord especially about married couples.

p147 "We passed out of being in love to just loving"

p226 "If you never suspected someone, you never thought to suspect"

I had high expectation for this book which usually not a good sign; have I not learn from past mistakes? Sigh! Alas, the book doesnt deliver. I so wanted it to be more but it just didnt gave me the oommph that I thought it would. It started okay for me but the pace quickly died. Reading from some of the quotes placed here, I think you would more or less guess what's the book is all about. Anyways, you can read the book synopsis here.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Hats Off

I know, I know it's been ages since I write anything in my poor blog. Mean, mean me!
A lot has been happening, mostly work related -- boring! Not to mention hectic which left me too tired to on my superfast internet connection and ancient laptop without falling asleep first. So here I am about 3 weeks later.

My company had an annual dinner last Friday nite after a 3.5 hours of townhall and brainstorming session; nothing comes for free nowadays. We suppose to come with a hat. I had no time to dress up from the office and I grabbed a chef hat from the wardobe department since it matches my white blouse - yeah how creative. Anyways I was called Ratatouille the whole nite except once when someone mistaken me for a nurse! I took that as a compliment. I got plenty of orders as well since I was wearing a chef hat. Anyways it was a good fun. I didnt bring any camera with me except my phone so these were the only pics in it. Other interesting pics were in my colleague's camera. I cant wait to see the rest of the pics.

I sincerely hope I will be able to write more often. Have a good week everyone.