Friday, March 18, 2011

A Home at the End of the World by Michael Cunningham

Read this book somewhere mid Dec last year. I'm not really good in updating the books that I have read am I?? Sigh. Not something I'm proud of.

The two main protagonists in this book were Jonathan and Bobby. Jonathan, lost his younger sister at birth when he was five and Bobby, lost his 16 year old brother when he was nine. Two different lives and on page 41 they finally met. I dont like the way Jonathan treated his mother when he was a teenager. He can get pretty self centred. Whilst for Bobby, honestly I dont quite understand him. I thought he suppose to be quiet, cool and dangerous type of guy. He turned out to be quiet but not the other 2 traits.

The two boys childhood pretty much shaped up their future lives. This is not my usual type of book. Cant really say I like it but I was engrossed by it. I really want to know what happen to these two characters whom were infatuated with each other originally but somehow along the line there is a girl involved and later a baby and another male lover who has Aids. The ending was not what I expected. I remembered feeling like aahh.. there is no closure. It was like one of those ... life goes on thingy, take it or leave it.

The only good thing that when I closed the final page, I finally can enjoy my dinner which was a burger at this ancient A&W outlet in PJ, which surprising still exist. The end.

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