Monday, June 27, 2011

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson

After 86 pages or so, I don't know why but I kept comparing the book with everything from Dan Brown. Maybe bcos I desperately need it to be as fast pace as any of DB's book. So far it hasn't been.  Is it bcos of the lengthy and unfamiliar Scandinavian names of people and places? I struggled to come to terms with the difficult pronunciation and to remember the characters/protagonist's names.  But I'm getting there (note to myself)

P117 or so
There were many examples related to real live incidents but bcos it happened in Scandinavia scenes so again I'm not too familiar or even knew about it  (even though there were high profile cases in the financial journalism ~ what's happening to me?) so I just assume these were fictional which could have otherwise be plus points or even spark an interest ( I'm losing it unless something happen - fast).

p209 'She looked like an ageing vampire ~ still strikingly beautiful but as venomous as a snake' ~ Isabella raised her cane and pressed the handle against Mikael's chest.  To me Isabella Vanger sounds like 'Cruella' from 101 Dalmations.  I even pictured her as such.

p214 'Rebecka case' - the killer tied her up and stuck her head into the smouldering embers of a fire place, when she was still alive - OMG.  I had to stop reading.

The above was the start of many crimes written in this book.  Many other were quite unimaginable and horrendous crimes especially the sexual abuses.

p346 Mikael Blomkvist discovered the mystery behind the names and number in Harriet's diary ~ I knew it!!  Bcos that were my guesses too.  But I couldn't be sure bcos I don't read the bible, but I suspect as much.

p360 t-shirt slogan : Armageddon was yesterday - today we have a serious problem. LOL

p366 Blomkvist meets Salander. FINALLY.  Been waiting for this for like forever.  Plot is getting better and there was no stopping for me after that.

Conclusion: It was a page turner but only after more than 300 pages.  Thankfully my patience was rewarded. Not many readers can withstand such agony.  This is a dark thriller book which I must say is not my favourite genre.

Would I continue  reading Larsson's book 2 & 3? Yes ... but not so soon.  Maybe I should watch the movie first as to gain more interest on the sequel book.

Warning: spoiler ahead

I did suspect Martin (Harriet's brother).  Don't you just love it when you are right?


Trotter said...

Hi Leo! It’s not what it seems: I’ve just been too busy... No holidays... ;)

Today we have a serious problem... Indeed!!

Blogtrotter Two is posting on Corsica this summer... Enjoy and have a wonderful week!!

Trotter said...

Hi Leo! So, We, The People who are not in holidays, keep the blogosphere alive... ;)
Blogtrotter Two just crossed Corsica from North to South. Enjoy and have a wonderful weekend!!

Trotter said...

Hi Leo! Sorry for the absence, but these last two months have been nasty! My mother (90) was in hospital for more than three weeks and the post-surgery was hard! My father (94) seemed to be orphan while my mother was out and felt into some kind of depression... The economy is a disaster and the media only bring bad news... The € Euro is rescued every day, only to be known that it needs to be rescued again and again... What else? Well, maybe «Midnight in Paris»... The problem is that the Gil there is a different one... ;)

Blogtrotter Two wanders currently around Porto Vecchio and the beaches in the region! Enjoy and have a wonderful week ahead!