Friday, August 24, 2012

Eid Mubarak 2012

Amir Ishak clan

I think I should rename my blog as do you remember me?  It has been so long since I last post anything at all.

So before I miss Aidil Fitri altogether, here is the photos compilation of the recent celebration at my in-laws place in Ipoh.  After several years of not celebrating our 1st raya there, this year we (my family) did.

I've tried to upload the video into YouTube but after countless attempts which I'm too lazy to elaborate here but let just say it forced me to abandon the task but I found another way of uploading it onto this blog but unfortunately the pics quality are not HD (high definition) enough in the video.  Meaning the more beau tee effect in the photos doesn't work here :p Sorry.

Anyways enjoy the video.

Salam Aidil Fitri & Maaf Zahir Batin.

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