Saturday, November 24, 2012

Gods in Alabama by Joshilyn Jackson

At page 4, a thought crept subcontiously into my mind - I think I'm gonna like this book which I believe is a good sign to both reader's and book.

Arlene has spent the last ten years of her life in Chicago as she tries to forget the events that led up to her departure of her childhood home in Possett, Alabama.  She has changed her life around as she no longer will sleep with any man that walks through the door and has received a great education that will give her a stable future.  So far she has kept her promise and so does God.  Things are about to change for Arlene when her African-American boyfriend Burr is ready to take their relationship to a new level.  He has raised the ultimatum: introduce him to her family or consider him gone. Arlene loves him dearly but knows her lily white (not to mention deeply racist) Southern Baptist family will not understand her relationship.  As she and Burr embark on the long-avoided road trip back home, Arlene digs through guilt and deception, her patched-together alibi begins to unravel and she discovers how far she will go for love and a chance at redemption.

Although Arlene cited many examples of how ruthless her Aunt Flo is but I have a feeling that she's exaggerating it until I reached pp160-161 where Aunt Flo 'wiped clean' traces of Arlene from her shared room with Clarice (Arlene's cousin).  As if she never existed.

But come to think of it, what happened to Wayne's (Clarice's brother) dog and their neighbor's hen as a result of Aunt Flo's rage were equally horrifying too.

This book is full of sassy humor and family dark secrets were revealed one by one.  I enjoyed the book and it was a fast read.

I'm going to leave you with this line I got from the book 'If you keep the truth to yourself, it becomes a lie to everyone else'.  Hmm, think about it.

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