Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Girl Who Played With Fire by Stieg Larsson

This is the second book from Stieg Larsson's dark trilogy.  Continuation of Lisbeth Salander's aka the Wasp saga in her web hacking world.  To say I love the book is an understatement.  Lisbeth gives new dimension to common female protagonist in novels.  She is so complicated, brilliant and weird which is so REFRESHING.

I did struggle with the first book The Girl with the Golden Tattoo but not The Girl who Played with Fire.  Maybe because I already mentally prepared to tackle the foreign Swedish character names which is lesser in this second book compared to the first one.

p482 Lisbeth Salander can turn into Terminator Mode ~ I like this

p506 `I can feel that she's close ... wait a minute, I'll check my telepathic power ' said Cilla Noren, lead singer of the group Evil Fingers ~ she's hilarious.

p545 onwards ~Miriam Wu was kidnapped by the giant man - I cant read.  Have to stop.  My heart was racing. Too scary.

p602 As Bjock revealed to Mikail Blomkvist who Zola is ... I have a feeling perhaps ... he is .. (I'm not gonna spoil it for you ;)

p624 YES! I was right (for the above guess)

p633 `Daddyyy, I'm coming to get youuu' - payback time

I find the book very fast pace and enjoyed it immensely. Third book ... here I come

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