Sunday, May 19, 2013

My Favourite Wife by Tony Parsons

p203 `What if the problem was not trying to meet someONE great but, that you would meet a LOT of great people?  What if the problem was not finding someONE worthy of love, but meeting an ENDLESS number of people who were worthy of love?
What then?  Blueprint for a happy life? Or recipe for disaster?'

I never expected to like the book or maybe I would but only a little bit; but I was wrong.  In a good way!

This is a story about a friendship between a lonely foreign family man and a neglected mistress which you could guess turn to something more.  He wasn't looking for an affair.  Is it love? Pity? Compassion?  I believe its every expat wives nightmare ...

This is my first novel by Tony Parsons and I'm happy to say its going to be the first of many.  The book engaged me almost immediately which was a welcome alternative.

'You hate everyones corruption except your own'

ps/ finish reading on Jan 21, 2012


Trotter said...

Hi Leo! Hope you are having a superb summer!
Sorry for the absence, but 2013 has been even worse than 2012... Anyhow, enjoy the blues of Grenada, and have a great vacation, if you can manage!!
All the best!

leo said...
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leo said...

Hi Gil,
I've missed you!! Welcome back. I hope everything is okay with you. Thank you for dropping by.

Trotter said...

Hi Leo! Hope you are having a great holiday season! Sorry for the absence, but work and concerns are keeping me away from Blogtrotter... Anyhow, enjoy my latest post at Tobago, and have a great season!
Wish you all the best for 2014, hopefully better than 2013!

Trotter said...

Hi Leo!
So this was stopped?

Hope you are having a great time! Sorry for the long absence, but it was a harsh 2014...
Anyhow, enjoy the second half of my post on Valencia, Spain, with some old buildings around!
Wish you all the best!