Monday, July 28, 2008

Sex and the City

Unless you are a fan of the series or any of its characters, it's quite hard to finish the movie. But for a disillusionist of reality, fan of everything beautiful and romantic sucker like me, I can tolerate the 2.5hr long of beautiful people, fashionable clothes, branded shoes and handbags and best of all friendship. I watched the DVD with my hubby and would you believe it ... cried several times! Amongst all, what I love about the movie, be it shallow or not is the strong bond between these four women. Althou' I must confess that I can relate to 'just give me a big closet' LOL but of cos the content is not necessarily be as lavish as Carrie's (but a girl can dream right?) ^_^

Nevertheless, unlike fashion, friendship never goes out of style. I second that anytime.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

How I Feel Right Now - tagged!!

When I surfed the net to read other blogs which have many, many visitors each day and minute, compare to my 'unknown' blog, I always see the blog owners getting tagged by their blogsphere friends. How fortunate to have people recognize YOU as the blogger other than your daily (be it professional or non stop hardworking soccer mom) life. So I fantasize to get one some day and
a few days ago or was it few weeks ago, such fantasy materialized for me.

So here's describing how I feel right now (in 6 words??) ... well maybe with lots of description next to each word.

1. Flattered - that Kim recognises me and my blog to include me as one of the 5 people she tagged. Thank you. *blushes*

2. Blessed - last night I hang out with 2 of my dearest girl friends. One is in town for a 2 weeks summer vacation from Washington DC with her 2 boys and another one is a 11 years old colleague cum shopping buddy cum neighbour cum everything else in between which although we work in the same company, we hardly see/bump into each other at work. Three of us talked, laughed, reflect, laughed again, at one point cried and talked again. Thru out our conversation, I realised I am indeed really blessed to have my family and friends.

3. Full - I had nasi lemak for breakfast, then followed by a kenduri lunch by a friend, next hubby and me drove all the way to Rawang to buy the king of fruits - durian, and I've been eating this fattening and calorie filled fruit non stop.

4. Anxious - I have this utilisation report I need to compile, so I guess this will take whole day of my working time tomorrow. I hope the server will not act up again or it will take me forever to finish the report.

5. Guilty - I 've been eyeing the treadmill since this morning but still haven't done anything that my body can be proud off instead I keep stuffing food into my mouth.

6. Bliss - It's Sunday afternoon and I 've just finish the reading the day's newspaper. I've already went thru my son's spelling homework. And tonite my family is going for dinner at my sis-in law place. Perfect to end SunDay.

So there my 6 word(s). No wonder I can't score in summary. Have a good week everyone.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

INTJ woman like me

I’m an introvert.

I remembered coming home last week after I had this psychology test and told my husband, do you know that I’m an Introvert? And his replied was ‘isn't it obvious?’ It is???
I’m not saying it’s a bad thing or anything. But it is somehow confusing. Not only to me even my colleagues went like you are? An introvert?? Well you sure don’t look or behave like one. Which I agree. That makes it more confusing!!!

When I was in thirteen, my music teacher was explaining the zodiac signs to us. How she can accurately guess some of her students zodiacs just from their daily behavior and character. She got mine wrong. It was way far off from her character assessment of me. I told her my birth date when she refused to believe me. But you don’t act like a Leo, she said in exasperation. Listening to her at that time, I thought I had committed a big sin of not conforming to the obvious. But what she forgets or maybe didn’t acknowledge at that time was that I’m not the typical leo, which of cos is very normal.

Back to my present day assessment. In addition of being an introvert, I'm also psychologically known as an INTJ. It stands for Introvert, Intuitive, Thinking and Judging. That’s about 1-2% of the world's population and if you are a woman, the percentage is even lesser - I was told. In a room of 60 people of our managerial team, there were only three of us (one is my reporting GM) and I'm the only female. I agreed when my boss said 'we are indeed an endangered species'.

In the coalition world of creative, glamorous and famous wannabes aka my workplace, it's easy to see why Extrovert rules at least in numbers. This was the first time I really felt outnumbered but exquisite at the same time :)) I'm also quite thrilled to learn that I share the same psycho profile with famous influential names like Rudy Giuliani, Colin Powell and President John F Kennedy and not forgetting some infamous fictitious character like Hannibal Lecter (Silence of the Lambs) ... hmm what's for dinner? lol

Management had some fancy consultants to help guide and humor us during the test especially when the war between Introvert vs Extrovert became too intense but similar test can be found at Jung-Myers-Briggs personality test. Happy discovering yourself!

In an unrelated test, we were told to choose a symbol between square, octagonal, pyramid and circle. Long lectures and description were told for the other 3 symbols but for many who chose the symbol circle including yours truly - we were told that we are a bunch of people ... are you ready for this? ... people who are obsessed with the opposite sex. Full stop.
All I can say to that say is yeah baby!! ;))

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Mental workout

Last Thursday was gruesome for me. It was the brainstorming session for the company’s FY10. It lasted the whole day and more.

The day started early at 0730hr with me trading my way carefully on LDP (highway) trying to find my way to Marriott Putrajaya. I already memorized the route or rather the instruction on how to get there from the email circulated earlier, still I was very careful not to miss any turn. I was going at 60-80kmp and at the furthest left lane with all the other vehicles zooming passed me. I know how they must felt. Everybody is rushing to work early in the morning to avoid the build up traffic. I would be just like them IF my destination was the office which it was not. So there I was, looking at every signage that says Putrajaya (checked)-Seri Kembangan exit (ignore)-IOI Resort (checked)-Marriott (checked)-Palm Cyberlodge (? not mention in email) – Marriot’s car park (ok I’m there). Alhamdullilah.

After breakfast - light stretching (more like discoing early in the morning) – company’s performance review of the last financial year – tasks/topics divided amongst the group – brainstorming started. In between were the usual coffee/light snack/ciggy/bio breaks. Just before lunch at 1:30pm the HR and Corp Assurance Dept. reps came to present their findings to us. Quick lunch followed by another 2 hrs breakup sessions, more coffee/light snack/ciggy/bio breaks before the final presentation by every group. Not before another round of dance where most participants were already too knock off from too much coffee and breath smells like Dunhill to get the steps right. I was just swaying left and right. My group was the second last group out of 8 groups to present our topic. It was 7:45pm, although energy was still high spiritually but everyone was weary and tired physically. Finally all group presentations ended at about 8:10pm. Good news and bad news.

Good news was dinner is served (5 course of Chinese food). Bad news was the session will be continuing at 2:30pm the next day but at one of the company branch office (sigh). I left the hotel at 9:00pm.

I was too tired even to sleep but somehow I did fall asleep in the midst of reading. Woke up at 12:30am when my 6 year old wondered into our room. I placed him in the middle of the bed between me and hubby. And I can’t sleep since. Finally I woke up at 2:30am after tossing and turning took my book and went to the TV room to read. I forced myself to put to put the book down at 3:45am. I really have to get some sleep.

Alarm went off at 5:40am. Time to wake up my eldest son to go to school.
I am so tired, mentally.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Such Devoted Sisters by Eileen Goudge

When I was small, I always wish I have a sister. Instead of my two 'heartless' younger brothers. But come to think of it, I think I did the bullying of them more than they did me bcos I'm the eldest ha!ha! Anyways, the closest I have for a sister was my younger cousin Teen. She being the only child and me the only girl in the family, well we made good liaison which drove my brothers up the wall. That was before I went to boarding school and we only met during long school break.
This book is about sistership. Guess that's why I like it. I don't have any experience on it but I used to hear my best friend Sharin spoke about her three other older sisters when we were in our teens, which of cos that time I couldn't comprehend what her complaints all about bcos I've been wishing for a sister all my life.
Althou' most plots were predictable but still worth my time. Another main attraction in this book is chocolate. Plenty of it that will sure melt you.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

From Barcelona to Istanbul

Everybody around me is lucky enough to get to go overseas either for company trip or holiday. And what's that makes me?? Richer in fridge magnets of cos'!! ^_^
Below are the ones I got from hubby when he went to Spain last month.

And these sets were from friends whom went to Turkey. Oh how I envy them.

So my collection is now 81 and counting :)

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

My Baby You

Last Saturday evening, both hubby and me were invited to a surprise birthday party for a close friend's wife. It was held at Monte's Bangsar Village. The restaurant was the couple's favourite place (my friend - the wife, even had Monte's as her credit card password!!) Since hubby was outstation, so I had to attend the party alone. To be able to drive there alone was such an accomplishment since I only know the route to and fro my office and very few shopping malls which I frequently patronized but Bangsar Shopping Centre is not one of them. Anyways, the whole restaurant was booked for the birthday-do attended by close friends and families.

All the guest had so much fun watching the unknowing wife walked into the cozy restaurant and found us shouting HAPPY BIRTHDAY amidst her tears of joy and overwhelming. It was so sweet of her husband to arrange such an extravaganza celebration for her birthday and inviting people whom he knows are dearest to his wife even as far as Singapore able to make it that night. But the poignant moment was when he delivered his speech thanking their friends, families and the doctor who delivered their third daughter and save the wife's life when she had post natal complication in the labour room. Those experiences taught them to be grateful for every single day they spent together and as a family (which was a fair reminder to the rest of us, not to take our loved ones for granted and postponing our i love you and thank you to one fine day - which maybe too late). It was a beautiful and touching speech and I wept... and many did as well. This song My Baby You by Marc Anthony was the song which accompanied the slides presentation. Awww... it was so sweet. I tried to look up for a shorter version in You Tube and this is the best I could find. If you dont fancy looking at Marc Anthony's many poses, just listen to the song. Beautiful.

At the end of the night, everyone agree that not only the other wives are envy of the birtday gal but even the men now want to marry her husband LOL.
Happy Birthday Reen.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Writer's Block

Ha! Ha! I wish!! Nope the truth is, I was bogged down with the daily activities that left me too exhausted and most often than not hubby would find me on the bed with the newspaper or a book on my face with my reading glasses on and my eyes wide shut!! lol Last weekend when hubby was outstation, the lights and radio in the room were on till the next morning, talk about electricity waste...

Many things had happen in the past 2 weeks or so. Challenging task at work but with God grace, I managed to overcome. But I hope I'm able to share more of the interesting events that had happened and able to capture it all before the excitement of the events, wear out on me. But not tonite. Starting tomorrow, yes hopefully tomorrow.

As for now, I'm still on the book bug. A few more chapters to go before the end.

Nighty night everyone.