Sunday, July 27, 2008

How I Feel Right Now - tagged!!

When I surfed the net to read other blogs which have many, many visitors each day and minute, compare to my 'unknown' blog, I always see the blog owners getting tagged by their blogsphere friends. How fortunate to have people recognize YOU as the blogger other than your daily (be it professional or non stop hardworking soccer mom) life. So I fantasize to get one some day and
a few days ago or was it few weeks ago, such fantasy materialized for me.

So here's describing how I feel right now (in 6 words??) ... well maybe with lots of description next to each word.

1. Flattered - that Kim recognises me and my blog to include me as one of the 5 people she tagged. Thank you. *blushes*

2. Blessed - last night I hang out with 2 of my dearest girl friends. One is in town for a 2 weeks summer vacation from Washington DC with her 2 boys and another one is a 11 years old colleague cum shopping buddy cum neighbour cum everything else in between which although we work in the same company, we hardly see/bump into each other at work. Three of us talked, laughed, reflect, laughed again, at one point cried and talked again. Thru out our conversation, I realised I am indeed really blessed to have my family and friends.

3. Full - I had nasi lemak for breakfast, then followed by a kenduri lunch by a friend, next hubby and me drove all the way to Rawang to buy the king of fruits - durian, and I've been eating this fattening and calorie filled fruit non stop.

4. Anxious - I have this utilisation report I need to compile, so I guess this will take whole day of my working time tomorrow. I hope the server will not act up again or it will take me forever to finish the report.

5. Guilty - I 've been eyeing the treadmill since this morning but still haven't done anything that my body can be proud off instead I keep stuffing food into my mouth.

6. Bliss - It's Sunday afternoon and I 've just finish the reading the day's newspaper. I've already went thru my son's spelling homework. And tonite my family is going for dinner at my sis-in law place. Perfect to end SunDay.

So there my 6 word(s). No wonder I can't score in summary. Have a good week everyone.

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