Wednesday, July 9, 2008

My Baby You

Last Saturday evening, both hubby and me were invited to a surprise birthday party for a close friend's wife. It was held at Monte's Bangsar Village. The restaurant was the couple's favourite place (my friend - the wife, even had Monte's as her credit card password!!) Since hubby was outstation, so I had to attend the party alone. To be able to drive there alone was such an accomplishment since I only know the route to and fro my office and very few shopping malls which I frequently patronized but Bangsar Shopping Centre is not one of them. Anyways, the whole restaurant was booked for the birthday-do attended by close friends and families.

All the guest had so much fun watching the unknowing wife walked into the cozy restaurant and found us shouting HAPPY BIRTHDAY amidst her tears of joy and overwhelming. It was so sweet of her husband to arrange such an extravaganza celebration for her birthday and inviting people whom he knows are dearest to his wife even as far as Singapore able to make it that night. But the poignant moment was when he delivered his speech thanking their friends, families and the doctor who delivered their third daughter and save the wife's life when she had post natal complication in the labour room. Those experiences taught them to be grateful for every single day they spent together and as a family (which was a fair reminder to the rest of us, not to take our loved ones for granted and postponing our i love you and thank you to one fine day - which maybe too late). It was a beautiful and touching speech and I wept... and many did as well. This song My Baby You by Marc Anthony was the song which accompanied the slides presentation. Awww... it was so sweet. I tried to look up for a shorter version in You Tube and this is the best I could find. If you dont fancy looking at Marc Anthony's many poses, just listen to the song. Beautiful.

At the end of the night, everyone agree that not only the other wives are envy of the birtday gal but even the men now want to marry her husband LOL.
Happy Birthday Reen.

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