Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Kembali ke Rahmatullah

Arwah Hj Ahmad Marzuki b. Hj Mohd Tahir (with 2 of his grandchildren)

My abah (father) passed away last Friday evening on Feb 27, 2009. Words can't describe the emptiness we felt. For the longest time I was wondering how should I begin to write this or where shall I start? The truth is I don't know how. I will continue when I know and ready to do so. But for now, I just want to grief and remember this wonderful man that me and my brothers called abah. May Allah bless him and place his soul amongst the forgiven. Amin.


Kerry Droll said...

Leo, I'm so very sorry for your loss - take all the time you need - my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Take care.

Kerry Droll said...

Leo, I'm so very sorry for your loss - take all the time you need - my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Take care.

GMG said...

Sorry I couldn’t visit you for the last two weeks and sorry to read the sad news when I'm back!
My thoughts are with you!

leo said...

Kerry and Gil
Thank you.