Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Love Song by Sara Bareilles

I have been neglecting my blog for quite some time now. In fact, I've been taking break from almost all of my leisure routines (which I use to enjoy) including reading.
By updating this, I hope I can slowly go back to my usual thinking, act, emotion -in other words, my usual self.
This love song is a token of appreciation to those who visited me while I was M.I.A especially to Kerry and Gil whom never failed to leave 'kind thots' to a stranger in the other end of the world.
Enjoy the song.


Kerry Droll said...

That's so sweet - thank you. You've been through a lot recently, you'll get back into full speed ahead when you're ready. I appreciate all the kind comments you leave for me too - they always brighten my day.

GMG said...

Hi Leo! Great to see you back!

Look forward to seeing you at
Blogtrotter also. Have a great weekend!

GMG said...

Thanks for the song! Greatly appreciated!
Also loved the Chagall «Art of the Day»!!
Have a great weekend!

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