Friday, July 10, 2009

King of Fruits

2 weekends ago, our good friends invited hubby and me to visit their durian orchard in Batu Pahat, Johore. Beside their home compound which is planted with many tropical fruit trees (durian, mangosteen, rambutan, pulasan, duku, mango) the invitation also include to pick durian at their 30 acres durian filled orchard! This year will be the last durian harvest for the land bcos after this season the said land will be turn into palm oil plantation. So this is the last 'kopek' (last chance). Our agenda for the day include appetiser - eating durian, plucking rambutan and pulasan; followed by lunch at Batu Pahat town with nasi briyani and otak-otak as main menu; then we stopped at the 'market' to buy fresh crabs, prawns and fishes direct from the fisherman (unbelievably cheap) and lastly to the main agenda of collecting durians from the orchard.
We acted like professionals at picking the fell durians without actually realise that some were not naturally dropped from the trees but in fact were plucked by monkeys. The orchard care taker showed us how to differentiate the good durian from the bad ones (trying so hard not to laugh at us). But the main important thing was all of us had so much fun ... posing for the cameras!! ^_^

Makan durian, burp durian, kentut durian ...

1 comment:

Kerry Droll said...

Sounds like a fun time - I've picked apples before but never tropical fruit or basically anything that involves monkeys LOL!!