Sunday, July 5, 2009

Revenge of The Fallen

3 days after the movie premiered in our local theaters, I received a text from an ex-colleague asking whether I would like to watch Transformers 2, bcos he can give me free tickets? Are you kidding me? I am more than willing to pay for the tickets but unfortunately all were sold out ... at least for the 1st weekend. Those who get tickets, apparently had placed their bookings ages ago. I've already mentally prep my kids to be patient at least for the next two weekends before we can get the opportunity to watch it in theatre. But I guess lady luck was smiling on us. Turned out my friend had 6 FOC tickets to give away!! Since hubby was in Singapore so my kids and I went with 2 of my brothers and my sis in law.
I read that critics preferred the 1st movie but all of us love it!! 3 words ... Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Enough said.

ps/ thank you Lionel

1 comment:

Kerry Droll said...

I had heard it wasn't as good as the first - I'll catch it when it comes out on DVD. Going to the movies these days is just too expensive. So me and my friends get DVDs and eat junk food for a fraction of the cost LOL!!