Saturday, September 5, 2009

Favourite past time or plain greed?

2 weeks before Ramadhan started, I managed to persuade hubby to check out a book sale. He reluctantly agreed with spesific warning that I adhere to to the time limit of 1.5 hours. Okaayyy ... I agreed too eagerly which didnt convinced him which lead to another round of lecture in the car as we were making our way there. He knew me too well.
When it comes to books ... his wife can turn into a monster that lose all sense of time, care, even responsibility to her own family !!! tsk!tsk!
On another thought, being a reading and entertaining monster sure could count for something? Isnt it? Hi! hi!
But I'm happy to report that yes I adhered to my time limit and now I'm a proud owner of 8 more new/old books and that gives me a total of 18 books in my to read list. Hmm ... no wonder greed is listed as one of the deadly sins.
ps/ Kak lin, I have Frank McCourt 3rd book (I can lend it to you) and Kerry, I bought Anne Rice ...

1 comment:

Kerry Droll said...

LOL! Hilarious! I think you'll like the Vampire Chronicles - once you read one you'll want to read them all. Have fun!!