Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Salam Mubarak

I'm on one week raya leave which started last Saturday Sept 19. Been very busy chasing deadlines and clearing office's tasks so I can go on leave in peace.

I suppose to leave the office at 4:00pm. I agreed to an impromptu meeting at 3:30pm. 'It will take only 20 minutes the most' said the Accounts Manager. After I said yes to her, my new GM phoned to ask for a summary of all our studios booking in October so she could add in another new channel bookings. 'I thought I catch you before you leave for your raya celebration' she said.

I managed to convinced the Media Sales lady boss that there's nothing wrong with my department's invoices to them and she should start paying us, so the meeting ended in 10 minutes. And I pulled out my thumbdrive to retrive my monthly report and after minor tweeking on the format, posted it to my GM.

Said my goodbye in haste before something else comes up.

Salam Aidil Fitri everybody. Happy Holiday.


GMG said...

Hi Leo! Another week has passed without a chance to drop by. It seems time runs faster when you get to a certain age... ;)

Happy holiday!!

Blogtrotter is trying to have fun in the Turkish Riviera. Enjoy and have a marvellous weekend!

Kerry Droll said...

Have a Happy Holiday!!