Sunday, November 22, 2009

Hong Kong pics part 2

Second day was dedicated to shopping, Disneyland and more shopping. Although it looked like we (hubby and me) spent a lot of time at HK Disneyland but actually we didnt. I think we stayed for about 2 hrs in there and left the rest of the group to venture on our own. Armed with train maps and comfy Crocs we find our own way to HK busy, hip and happening shops and places. I think that was fun. We had no idea where we were everytime we dropped off from the train but just walked and enjoyed ourselves and just making sure we have enough change to take the train back.

1 comment:

GMG said...

Hi Leo! Shopping is traditional in HK, but I forgot there is a Disneyland nowadays... ;))

Blogtrotter has an astonishing display of works of art by contemporary artists in the streets of Bilbao for you to enjoy. Have a great week!