Sunday, November 29, 2009

New Moon the movie

I had wanted to post this for several days ago but due to technical glitches (I dont know how to download the pic from my ehem ... new phone) that I had to postpone it until I figure out the how-to.

After days of anticipating, it finally here. I've received 2 passes to the premier screening from a colleague who knows I'm a fan of both the books and the previous Twilight movie. And for New Moon the movie... I luurvvvee it!!! No doubt everytime Edward or Jacob appeared .. or did something .. or even something happened to them on screen, you can hear the girls when aawww.. ahhh.. omg!! ... etc. Which was quite comical actually. The were many Team Jacob fans who came for the premier show (judging from the gushes everytime he appeared on screen) and there were even Team Volturi fans who came complete with their costume. Black cape and all. Ha!ha! But in all honesty Volturi's wears such lavish attire. I'm talking Twilight's language here. But what's not so good about it was that all 3 kissing scenes were chopped off by I presume our censorship board to appear shorter. Can you believe it - they sensored kissing scenes. Hmm ... Nevertheless I'm so glad that Chris Weizt (the director) is genius enough to let Edward appear more often on screen to satisfy the Edward-thirst vampire fans. Unlike in the book. Okay enough said.

I'm happy to say that my hubby enjoyed the movie too ^_^ He's interest is of cos towards Alice (the cutest vampire) which I totally am okay with. I'm sooo greatful that he want to see the movie with me, knowing how obssesed I am with the books.

Bottom line is he didnt doze off like he did in Angels and Demon. And for that I'm thankful. Oh I cant wait for the third movie - Eclipse.

1 comment:

Kerry Droll said...

I figured you'd be one of those people camping out for a week to get New Moon tickets like people did here lol!! Glad you enjoyed it.