Thursday, December 3, 2009

Angela Ashes - the movie

Finally we made it. The third activity of the Not-So Bookclub of Sisterhood (and Kite Runner)Society was to watch Angela Ashes. We did it last weekend during the Aidil Adha holiday at our last venue - Kak Lin's house in Sri Iskandar. The usual members were there except for kak long (my eldest sis-in law) who's attending her daughter's graduation in London (and is still there, as I'm writing this).

I enjoyed the movie but I adored the book 10 times more. It probably be just a film for some who havent read the book but for Angela Ashes (the book) fans, the said book leave a lasting impression long after you have read it. Nevertheless, all the child actors in the movie was so convincing and adorable. I can imagine Frank McCourt and his brothers running around in the rain in cold, cold Limerick. Thanks to Kerry who was the one who alerted me about the existence of the said movie ^_^

1 comment:

Kerry Droll said...

I loved the movie! I couldn't believe American Beauty won the Academy Award that year and this didn't.

I do plan to continue to blog Leo - I just wish I had more to write about these days so I could do it more often. Feel free to email anytime:

Have a great one!