Sunday, December 6, 2009


It was one day before the Aidil Adha public holiday. Both hubby and me took leave to take the family to PD but before leaving KL, I had one request to my hubby - bring me to one of the biggest, boldest book sales aptly named the Big Bad Wolf Book Sale. And he said OK. Yipee!! We soon realised that hundreds of KLites were thinking of the same thing. We were stucked in a long que just to park the car. I went off first in order to safe time (we had a hotel reservation to chase later in the afternoon) whilst hubby tried to find a parking space. It was a Thursday and a working day.

To my dismay, there was another long que before one can get into the sale venue. Malaysians and sales! That's what we all have in common irregardless of race and age :))

An hour later, I came out with 6 new books and 2 house magazines for me and 4 books for the kids. With that I now have ... 22 books (really??) in my to read list. Mustnt say that out loud. Hubby already complained that I didnt read this one (very) thick book he bought for me. Soon was my reply. For me reading a book really much depends on what kind of mood I am. So that's why I keep a lot of genres with me. Just in case :)

I'm currently reading 3 books. Not all together but one after another. No joke. There's this one book which took me forever to finish hence I took another book just to spice up my attention. Lost? So am I.

I better take my shower now. Have a good week everyone.

1 comment:

GMG said...

Hi Leo! 22 only? You're a lucky girl... or then you read fast... ;))

Blogtrotter has finished Bilbao 2008 and awaits your comments! Enjoy and have a great weekend!