Sunday, January 17, 2010

Pets no more

A small amateur aquarium – tank for 100 liters.Image via Wikipedia

I downloaded an application into my handphone which allows you to 'buy' (you were initially equipped with 200$ when you downloaded the 'game'), create (read: determine body, fin & stripe color) of did I mentioned fish? Yes, sort of tamagotchi pet. 10% of food cost 1$ (which is consider under low food category) and along with it you are expected to clean your aquarium to prevent algae (10$), buys antibiotic for your fish if its sick ( x$ - I didn't reach that far) and if your fish is happy and healthy you get to sell them.

Sad to say my fish died on the second day of creation due to lack of food. Not once but twice!!!

Well I have to say the first time was bcos I dont quite understand how the game goes ie. how often should I feed the the fish etc. By the time I logged into the aquarium, I saw three messages waiting for me with the last accussing me of ignoring my fish pet Orie (yes, you supposed to name your fish) which lead to its death! I refused to believe that I was that ignorant and mean so with the money that left I cleaned the aquarium, bought and create Purie, this time with 20% of food. Mentally reminding myself that I must feed it somewhere around the time when I am at the office.

It turned out work was hell on Friday with an impossible mission to accomplish before a newly outside-broadcast truck is ready to roll on Sunday morning. Needless to say, I've forgotten all about Purie until 12hrs later when what was left of him was bones and a RIP sign.

What can I say, I am now a confirmed virtual fishes murderer. Think I better stick to Tap Tap or Bubble Lab from now on.

So if there is any consolation, here's my way of remembering my one day old pet Orie and Purie.

May you rest in peace. Amen.

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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Lost in the Forest by Sue Miller

This book is a gem. Dont be fooled by its plain (and dirty - my copy that is) cover. Indeed the phrase dont judge a book by its cover, come to mind. I bought the book at a steal - RM10 at a book sale and am very pleased with myself. Modern family drama where the author (Sue Miller) creatively map the emotional complexities of almost all family members.
I especially like the part where the mother Eva thought that her rebellious daughter Daisy must had hated the chores entrusted to her while Eva was away from the house by the way the water hose was placed (after she watered the plants) and mails scattered on the table. Daisy on the other hand was glad to be able to visit her old house - mom's place (she lives with her father) and was glad to water the plants and collecting the mails for her mom while she was away. There were many similar 'incidents' written in the book where family members tend to assume and judge each other by their words and actions. We thought we knew our family members that well hence the assumption.
At first I thought the book was about Eva (mother) and Mark (father) but as the story goes it was skewed more towards their second teenage daughter Daisy whereby her characters, words and actions made me think and later worry about my own son (when he reach the same age).
On page 80, 'Does a person drawn to books was seeking a kind of experience or an escape from ordinary life? ... something we don't find, here?'
Ahah! Does that makes you think too? For me, it's more like to forget my normal life (for a while) and with that I usually mean my hectic office work *sigh* which left me exhausted every night. So a good book (hit and miss here) really helps me to wind down.
O good book, good book, where are thee?

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Simple Genius by David Baldacci

All of a sudden I'm going into this reading frenzy. Finishing one book after another. Or is it bcos I was lucky enough to be picking up books which are to my liking hence making it easy for me to breeze thru these books. Lucky, lucky me.

Must admit that I am not so much of a cop/crime investigation book person but am so glad that I found this author. David Baldacci is indeed a master in this genre and I'm looking forward to read more of his books (and he has many!!)

Simple Genius is a page turner for me. It took me less than 3 days to finish it. Thou' the ending of the whole mystery was not really to my liking but the whole journey of cracking the mystery was for me. So that counts. I have already listed out several books written by him.

Not too sure whether that's a good sign or not ... oh my poor purse!
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Monday, January 4, 2010

Dancing in My Nuddy-Pants by Louise Rennison

When do I ever learn? Why dont I just get it that I just can't stand reading chic -flick paperbacks? But noooo ... I have to ignore my instinct and chose the said book to read.
Alas, I was left dumbfounded. It as if I'm reading a book written in some foreign language or make that for people who understand aliens (as in outer space) language?? Or is this merely teenage terms=language? Whatever it is, I felt ... retarded LOL (just by reading it).

Immediately on page 1, I found this 'she who laughs last, laughs the laughingest' -huh???
Just to give you examples few of many, many phrases/words used in this book.
Basooma aka nungas-nungas = breast
Muncho excitemondo - okay I get it, much excited
Nimcompoop - this I actually know, phew.
Snog = kiss
And the winner is 'never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether'.
I rest my case.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Farewell 2009

I'm nervous about 2010. Cant really put my finger on why ... but I do. Maybe bcos I was 'too' happy to welcome 2009 a year ago, only to have my father taken away from the family - so soon after (in late February).

But 2009 has also been filled with many good events and things happening to me and my family of which I know my father would have been proud of IF I can only share it with him. It's funny to think that I'm nearly forty but whenever I'm with him, I still acted like a young kid forever hungry for his praises and want him to always be proud of my achievement. Not that he said it out a lot, bcos my late father was a man with very few words but he did make an exceptional especially when it comes to his children achievements ... in anything at all.

Lately I found myself thinking more and more of my late father and usually at unexpected places or events. Like only yesterday, my family and I were at this shopping mall where I looked at all these sofas designed for people to take rest and I asked my kids 'remember who had sit here before and fell asleep while you boys had to wait for him while the rest of the family members went shopping?' My children exclaimed well and and loud ... atok lumut!!! (grandfather).

New year's eve had been uneventful for me. But I can hear plenty of fireworks from a distant. Like it or not, we still have to embrace 2010 and with it life's unfold events, surprises and miracles, irregardless whether we are ready for it or not.

Happy New Year.