Image via Wikipedia
Sad to say my fish died on the second day of creation due to lack of food. Not once but twice!!!
Well I have to say the first time was bcos I dont quite understand how the game goes ie. how often should I feed the the fish etc. By the time I logged into the aquarium, I saw three messages waiting for me with the last accussing me of ignoring my fish pet Orie (yes, you supposed to name your fish) which lead to its death! I refused to believe that I was that ignorant and mean so with the money that left I cleaned the aquarium, bought and create Purie, this time with 20% of food. Mentally reminding myself that I must feed it somewhere around the time when I am at the office.
It turned out work was hell on Friday with an impossible mission to accomplish before a newly outside-broadcast truck is ready to roll on Sunday morning. Needless to say, I've forgotten all about Purie until 12hrs later when what was left of him was bones and a RIP sign.
What can I say, I am now a confirmed virtual fishes murderer. Think I better stick to Tap Tap or Bubble Lab from now on.
So if there is any consolation, here's my way of remembering my one day old pet Orie and Purie.
May you rest in peace. Amen.