Friday, January 7, 2011

Some things will never change

By posting this pic, I'm showing off and owning to my hard to kick off obssesion of buying books even though I still have many unread titles in my possession.

My family was on our return trip from our hometown where I managed to persuade hubby to make a stop (a detour is more like it) to my favourite bookstore which I can never seem to get the route. BookAccess (the name of the store) is having it's Christmas sale and tell me who in their right mind can just ignore all these great and affordable books?

Well, maybe someone who already has about 24 (yet to read) books lol ... but that someone is not me :D

And now my list has added up to 28 yet to be read books that I own. Yup this is a disease. One that make you lose all sense of reasoning, what-so-ever. Hmm ... I thought only shoes and handbags can do that to you.


Arti said...

I too love reading books...Loved the last sentence!!
Have a nice day :)

leo said...

Hi Arti
I still have similar obsessions toward handbags and shoes but its under control. But toward books - no. And I don't think I want to control it. It's one of my guilty pleasure- LOL
Thanx for dropping by. Do come again.

Trotter said...

Hi Leo! 28? Oh dear, I've hundreds, if not a thousand, that I'll never finish... ;))

The Nile 2010 is coming to an end! But the temple of Philae surely deserves a comment. Blogtrotter Two has it. Enjoy and have an excellent weekend!

Ola said...

Everybody needs some pleasures, although I stopped buying books as my apartment is too small-now only library:)

leo said...

Hi Ola
Haven't been to a library for a long time. Not too sure where is the nearest one so cheap bookstore and booksales are my alternative. Space constraint, oh yeah I have that too but too part with my books would be harder ;)
Thanks for dropping by.