Saturday, January 1, 2011

Through the Fire by Chaka Khan

Today is the first day of 2011. It started with Yasmin and Hadi engagement ceremony. It was sweet and simple and everybody had a good time, not to mention good food. Yasmin is hubby's eldest niece.

To the new engaged couple Yasmin & Hadi 'congratulation' and may this day be a start to many, many happy and meaningful occassions.

This is a beautiful song by Chaka Khan, I think it makes a good couple song too. *hint* I'm dedicating it to everyone.

Happy 2011.

1 comment:

Trotter said...

Hi Leo! Hope you entered 2011 in great shape!!
Thanks for the song!!
Did you finish Zafon? Fascinating, isn't it?

Blogtrotter Two is visiting the third largest artificial lake in the world (by volume). Enjoy and have a superb weekend!