Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Eat, Pray, Love

The problem of watching such movie is the aftermath. I am now wondering what I am doing with my life. Is this what I really want to do? etc. You get the drift. But when the bill factors come in, the hope/questions quickly dashed away as if I never consider it before. *sigh*

One of the line I really like from the movie is when Elizabeth (played by Julia Roberts) narrated a story about this poor man who religiously prayed to a saint asking that his wish to win a lottery is being answered. He tirelessly pray everyday without fail until one day the saint appeared upon him and said 'My poor man - why don't you buy a ticket'? Ha!ha! How can you wish to win a lottery if you never buy any ticket? Classic.

And now ... I must go and get the book. Typical me.


Kerry Droll said...

Hi Leo! Thank you for the Holiday wishes!! I wish you and your family all the very best as well!! Bear with me... I'll be back to blogging again very soon!! Thank you for all of your kindness and support!! Happy Holidays!!

Trotter said...

Hi Leo! Hope you had a great weekend! Typical Brazilian joke; if he would buy a ticket it won't be any miracle... ;))
Blogtrotter Two waits for you in the sun at the Temple of Horus in Edfu. Enjoy and have a great week ahead!

Trotter said...

Hi Leo! Have a Happy and Successful New Year!! Wish you all the best!!
Horus and Sobek wait for you at Kom Ombo. Enjoy!