Sunday, December 5, 2010

Digital Fortress by Dan Brown

'Forgiveness was the only path to enlightenment'

Did Buddha said that? Anyways I got it from page 51 of the said book. The start of the book was promising. So I reached 50 over pages with no problem.

p55 Bergofsky Principle - every code is breakable

One of the reason I like reading DB's novel is when he mixed his fictions with facts and I get to learn something that makes me go wow or ooh I see or really??
Like this phrase "Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" from Satires of Jurenal which literally translates to "Who will guard the guards" p169

Like this cute one from page 180; The world's 1st computer in Harvard Uni. had a moth landed on one of its circuit boards caused it to short out. Ever since that computer glitches is refer to as 'bugs'. See, now you know ^_^.

And on page 407, I learned about the origin of orange marmalade - how it came to be produce, quite unintentionally I might add.

Somewhere along the line on p300 or so I lose my patience towards the hopeless David Becker (a lead character). I found myself throwing my hands up in the air in exasperation.

Having read 2 of Dan Brown's more famous books, I sort of know whom my prime suspects are ie. who dun it but what kept me going was the reason it was done. The story has a good plot like how many times you read an explosive news in the paper or on the net and brushed it off as just rumours especially when there is no follow up on the story and in this book it turned out to be true and there was a cover up involve. Almost like the WikiLeaks ha!ha! Unfortunately, the main characters were too weak to my liking. They don't live up to their character profiles. But I enjoyed the story.
Without wax; me


Nisha said...

Oh, you could read this ? even though I have bought the book one year back,I have not got time to do this. :(

leo said...

I think I bought this book about a year or so too. Only now, I'm able to read it. I usually use DB's book when I need a light read. Something which doesn't requires emotional drain from me. Ya, some books did that to me. Do u read much nisha?