Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Ten Year Nap by Meg Wolitzer

I really want to like this book even before I read it.  I can anticipate myself making a connection to at least one out of the four female protagonists or even to all four.  After all, I am inspire to be a housewife one fine day.  Yup, you read me right.

The book is about 4 women who leave their careers to embrace motherhood and before you knew it 10 years had lapsed. What was meant to be temporary dragged to a decade ...

It's like the snooze in an alarm clock.  No matter how many times, the alarm screams at us, we can always find time for 5 min more (or in my case 9 min more) of sleep.  I'm not surprise that motherhood and marriage can make a decade of time flew off just like that.  

Alas, it didn't happened.  I mean the connection, that I hoped for between the characters and me.  
I like the idea of the story but it didn't engage me.  I found the story to be too narrative and sometimes too real for me to enjoy.  And at the end I struggled to finish the book.  But thanks to a short holiday to the island of Tioman where I purposely took only this book with me so I can finish it.  Limited access to internet on the island helps too.

ps/finished reading the book on June 9, 2011

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