Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Books, glorious books!

“Okay, you’ve got 1 hour and we will be out of here”. Angah tried to sound stern and serious to his books fanatic wife. He knows that such advice is futile bcos it will fall on my deaf ears. And he can only HOPE, I stick to the 1hr time limit. We were at the Times Books Clearance Sale, yet again. The last time I was there, I bought 12 books and it only cost me RM170.

Before I discover Bi-Rain and lost my soul to the www and blogs, books were my savior. I have books for every different period of my life. My choices of books depend on my current interest. I was into Edgar Allan Poe (if I got his name right) in my primary school. I love horror and mystery books. Of cos I finished the whole set of Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys and Enid Blyton. There were limited interesting English story books in my convent library school that I even read stories from the bible. Serious, no joke.

During my teenage years, there were heavy romance novels which were introduced by my KLite bestfriend. (I was so NOT into Mills and Boon). A novel entitled ‘A Wolf and A Dove’ got me into a rather sticky situation with one of the foreign male teacher in my conservative co-ed boarding school. I shall not elaborate on that. Anyways, I save my monthly allowance so I could buy books during the school break. College years, I was into fashion magazines. I was too busy burying myself into my thick endless medic text books. Some of these books can even be your pillow. It was that thick!!

After that, I was also into motivational and self-improvement books like chicken soup, rich dad poor dad, how to be a millionaire, get the picture? oh and even books on feng shui! At one point, I was so into home decorating that I bought almost every imaginable mags and DIY books. Marriage makes me read books on cooking, best and easy to prepare meals, healthy food books. My mom is a terrific cook but unfortunately I don’t inherit that gene from her. So I rely heavily on recipes.

Then come the kids. Books on pregnancy, babies and toddlers, parenting, Merck manual rules. I even read books on origami and how to organize kids’ parties. Out of late, I’m back into fiction. Anything goes. From Dan Brown to Judith McNaugh. I use to love tear jerking novels but not anymore. Too tiring. In addition, nowadays I don’t have the time since I self-diagnose myself of suffering IAD (Internet Addiction Disorder). Usually, I can finish a good book in 2 weeks mostly after dinner reading before going to bed or early morning before breakfast on weekends. But now my reading time is limited to while waiting for Danish to finish his Kumon class or when I’m stuck at hometown where there is no internet access or at hotel pool where the family ban me from taking my laptop along during the holiday.

After 1hr and 44 mins, Angah already showed his scowl face at me. I looked into my basket; there were only 5 books in it. Sigh. I know I won’t be able to finish the books I buy till God knows when. But I’m one of those people. You know how some women buy clothes or shoes only to end up in the closet for the longest time or worse not wearing them at all. But feel happy just to own them? Well, that is how books work for me. I love to own them. But I do read them if I have the time that is. Being around books give me comfort. I love the feeling of being in bookstore surrounded by books. I can just stay in bookstore, newsstand or library forever (I was a librarian in my secondary years).

When we left the sale I ended up with only 3 books. But I think I’ve made a good choice.

Hopefully I can make the time reading them. This morning I started reading one of the books I purchased 5 months ago. Well at least it a start.

The end.

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