Sunday, May 13, 2007

Pouring sweat

Yeah, for 2 days in a row I managed to sweat myself. Put on my running shoes and walked, jogged and exercised. This morning I was a bit late since Danial was not feeling well. So I had to massage him first before leaving. Angah promised yesterday that he wants to join me today; alas he jogged on the bed, just like yesterday. He’s running shoes still smell of New Balance shop in 1U.

When I arrived at the park, it was already 0800hr. Compare to yesterday, Sunday’s crowd in the park comprised mainly of older folks. Maybe many have finished their exercise routine and left. There were about 5-6 uncles still doing their tai chi. A few aunties were chit chatting while utilizing the exercise machines provided in the park. This is the same group of people I saw last week and yesterday.

With Black Eye Peas screaming in my ears, I started my slow jogawalk. This morning, I decided to take a longer route. Amidst the greeneries. Towards my 9th lap, I realized how beautiful the trees were. Blossoming yellow and purple flowers. Sight for sore eyes.

Sweat was pouring on me when I finished my 12th lap. The sun was burning my back neck and shoulders when I started on the exercise machine/tools. At least 10min on each tool. I was dead tired and my thighs were aching but I have BiRain’s Freeway ringing in my ears. Enough to give me the strength to go even longer actually.

Until next weekend…I can still feel the sun burnt on my shoulders ooucch!

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