Wednesday, July 23, 2008

INTJ woman like me

I’m an introvert.

I remembered coming home last week after I had this psychology test and told my husband, do you know that I’m an Introvert? And his replied was ‘isn't it obvious?’ It is???
I’m not saying it’s a bad thing or anything. But it is somehow confusing. Not only to me even my colleagues went like you are? An introvert?? Well you sure don’t look or behave like one. Which I agree. That makes it more confusing!!!

When I was in thirteen, my music teacher was explaining the zodiac signs to us. How she can accurately guess some of her students zodiacs just from their daily behavior and character. She got mine wrong. It was way far off from her character assessment of me. I told her my birth date when she refused to believe me. But you don’t act like a Leo, she said in exasperation. Listening to her at that time, I thought I had committed a big sin of not conforming to the obvious. But what she forgets or maybe didn’t acknowledge at that time was that I’m not the typical leo, which of cos is very normal.

Back to my present day assessment. In addition of being an introvert, I'm also psychologically known as an INTJ. It stands for Introvert, Intuitive, Thinking and Judging. That’s about 1-2% of the world's population and if you are a woman, the percentage is even lesser - I was told. In a room of 60 people of our managerial team, there were only three of us (one is my reporting GM) and I'm the only female. I agreed when my boss said 'we are indeed an endangered species'.

In the coalition world of creative, glamorous and famous wannabes aka my workplace, it's easy to see why Extrovert rules at least in numbers. This was the first time I really felt outnumbered but exquisite at the same time :)) I'm also quite thrilled to learn that I share the same psycho profile with famous influential names like Rudy Giuliani, Colin Powell and President John F Kennedy and not forgetting some infamous fictitious character like Hannibal Lecter (Silence of the Lambs) ... hmm what's for dinner? lol

Management had some fancy consultants to help guide and humor us during the test especially when the war between Introvert vs Extrovert became too intense but similar test can be found at Jung-Myers-Briggs personality test. Happy discovering yourself!

In an unrelated test, we were told to choose a symbol between square, octagonal, pyramid and circle. Long lectures and description were told for the other 3 symbols but for many who chose the symbol circle including yours truly - we were told that we are a bunch of people ... are you ready for this? ... people who are obsessed with the opposite sex. Full stop.
All I can say to that say is yeah baby!! ;))


Kerry Droll said...

I've never thought it's right to be labeled by someone who really doesn't know you. Years ago the company thought it would be a good idea to have each of the employees spend an hour with a psychologist for some reason. We were asked all kinds of personal questions I refused to answer because the situation was not my idea and I didn't feel any of the questions had anything to do with my job. Her conclusion was I was borderline manic and recommended on-going therapy until I could open up more. I wasn't opening up because I was manic, I wasn't opening up because the answers to the questions she was asking me were nobody's business but my own. Luckily the management at that time had the sense to realize that the conclusions this "doctor" came up with were way off base on every body so they decided to never do that again.

Kim said...

Your Type is
Extraverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving
Strength of the preferences %
33 1 88 33

It says I am:
moderately expressed extravert

slightly expressed sensing personality

very expressed feeling personality

moderately expressed perceiving personality

*I consider myself to be an introvert...I express myself through writing...not by talking

So there, these tests can't be totally accurate though they were quite interesting indeed.

Anonymous said...

As a rational INTJ person you might have told your teacher, that judging personality by their sign is plain stupid. And making feel pupils odd because of nonconformity to their sign is even more so.
