Saturday, July 19, 2008

Mental workout

Last Thursday was gruesome for me. It was the brainstorming session for the company’s FY10. It lasted the whole day and more.

The day started early at 0730hr with me trading my way carefully on LDP (highway) trying to find my way to Marriott Putrajaya. I already memorized the route or rather the instruction on how to get there from the email circulated earlier, still I was very careful not to miss any turn. I was going at 60-80kmp and at the furthest left lane with all the other vehicles zooming passed me. I know how they must felt. Everybody is rushing to work early in the morning to avoid the build up traffic. I would be just like them IF my destination was the office which it was not. So there I was, looking at every signage that says Putrajaya (checked)-Seri Kembangan exit (ignore)-IOI Resort (checked)-Marriott (checked)-Palm Cyberlodge (? not mention in email) – Marriot’s car park (ok I’m there). Alhamdullilah.

After breakfast - light stretching (more like discoing early in the morning) – company’s performance review of the last financial year – tasks/topics divided amongst the group – brainstorming started. In between were the usual coffee/light snack/ciggy/bio breaks. Just before lunch at 1:30pm the HR and Corp Assurance Dept. reps came to present their findings to us. Quick lunch followed by another 2 hrs breakup sessions, more coffee/light snack/ciggy/bio breaks before the final presentation by every group. Not before another round of dance where most participants were already too knock off from too much coffee and breath smells like Dunhill to get the steps right. I was just swaying left and right. My group was the second last group out of 8 groups to present our topic. It was 7:45pm, although energy was still high spiritually but everyone was weary and tired physically. Finally all group presentations ended at about 8:10pm. Good news and bad news.

Good news was dinner is served (5 course of Chinese food). Bad news was the session will be continuing at 2:30pm the next day but at one of the company branch office (sigh). I left the hotel at 9:00pm.

I was too tired even to sleep but somehow I did fall asleep in the midst of reading. Woke up at 12:30am when my 6 year old wondered into our room. I placed him in the middle of the bed between me and hubby. And I can’t sleep since. Finally I woke up at 2:30am after tossing and turning took my book and went to the TV room to read. I forced myself to put to put the book down at 3:45am. I really have to get some sleep.

Alarm went off at 5:40am. Time to wake up my eldest son to go to school.
I am so tired, mentally.


Kerry Droll said...

Thank you for all of the kind comments. We have those long marathon meetings too - they don't make us exercise at any point though most of us could use it lol. After the lunch, it's always funny to look around the room at all the people who are sound asleep. I always have to keep getting up because I don't like sitting for long periods of time and my behind goes numb. Luckily those meetings only happen every 2-3 months. Have a great one!

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.