Monday, July 14, 2008

Such Devoted Sisters by Eileen Goudge

When I was small, I always wish I have a sister. Instead of my two 'heartless' younger brothers. But come to think of it, I think I did the bullying of them more than they did me bcos I'm the eldest ha!ha! Anyways, the closest I have for a sister was my younger cousin Teen. She being the only child and me the only girl in the family, well we made good liaison which drove my brothers up the wall. That was before I went to boarding school and we only met during long school break.
This book is about sistership. Guess that's why I like it. I don't have any experience on it but I used to hear my best friend Sharin spoke about her three other older sisters when we were in our teens, which of cos that time I couldn't comprehend what her complaints all about bcos I've been wishing for a sister all my life.
Althou' most plots were predictable but still worth my time. Another main attraction in this book is chocolate. Plenty of it that will sure melt you.

1 comment:

GMG said...

Only son; no brotherhood... ;))