Monday, July 7, 2008

Writer's Block

Ha! Ha! I wish!! Nope the truth is, I was bogged down with the daily activities that left me too exhausted and most often than not hubby would find me on the bed with the newspaper or a book on my face with my reading glasses on and my eyes wide shut!! lol Last weekend when hubby was outstation, the lights and radio in the room were on till the next morning, talk about electricity waste...

Many things had happen in the past 2 weeks or so. Challenging task at work but with God grace, I managed to overcome. But I hope I'm able to share more of the interesting events that had happened and able to capture it all before the excitement of the events, wear out on me. But not tonite. Starting tomorrow, yes hopefully tomorrow.

As for now, I'm still on the book bug. A few more chapters to go before the end.

Nighty night everyone.


Kim said...

Hi! You've been tagged! Please visit my blog to find out how to play :)

GMG said...

Hi Leo! Beware, energey saving is paramount... ;)
Keep your book bug!
Meanwhile Blogtrotter, has now posted my 401st post (on Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA)! Have a great week!

leo said...

Kim- you r the first person that ever tagged me. I'm honoured. Will post it soon. Hv a nice day!!