Sunday, February 8, 2009

Everything and nothing


In reality life continues, often in the speed of light - Chinese New Year come and go, KL FT was last weekend and soon Thaipusam holiday passed by and before you realise the whole first week of February is already gone and I couldn't catch up and my blog stays stagnant with yesterday's or rather last month's news.

I was very busy at work, even as I'm writing this on Sunday at home I have 21 (360 review) feedback forms looming over my consciousness courtesy of HR new 'performance appraisal' policy to attend to by this coming Tuesday. Since Monday is a holiday so that can wait :) Being me -'procastination' is such an understatement.

Anyways the real reason why I wasnt log into the net was bcos my eyes were too tired to face the computer screen after 10hrs and more of it at work. Yeah, I even took my hasty lunch in front of the monitor. My unit is so understaffed that when one goes for leave, I have to cover everybody else.

But I'm not here to complain about work bcos there are so many people out there are without one. So let just say I'm glad I have one to b**** about :P

1 comment:

Kerry Droll said...

Hi Leo - happy belated New Year! I used to get like that too after spending all day on the computer, typing a blog wasn't that appealing. Hang in there, the economy is bound to get better and then they can hire more help. Have a great one!!