Monday, February 9, 2009

Isabel's Daughter by Judith R. Hendricks

So what do I do when my eyes were just to tired to face the computer screen at night for the past few weeks? I read my book of cos'! Sometimes, well most of the time it would fell onto my face and glasses leaving mark on my face and hubby has the duty to remove it from my face together with my spec bcos by then I would already be deep in slumberland.

Back to the book. It was a slow start. I dont expect too much of it bcos I just recently read a really good book .. you cant be lucky twice can you? Wrong!

Avery James the main character in the book was 'almost' self-centred. She is all too aware of how unfair life is to her (she was abandoned at a basement stairs at birth) proceed fiercely to face life not trusting/wanting any type of kindness showed to her. Kinda - it's okay to be mean to me, I expect you to be. So it was a big lose to her when she cant recognise genuine love towards her bcos she is so wrapped up in her own idea of how people should treat her. But despite that, I found myself warming up to the character pretty fast. Her character reminds me of the young Scarlett Johansson in Horse Whisperer. So I kept picturing her as such.

Somewhere at chapter two, the story picked up its pace and from chapter four onwards it's race to the final page for me. Her escape from orphanage, her living arrangement with a complete stranger, her first love, her 2nd run away and her face to face encounter with a potrait of a woman of her splitting image - her mother in a posh home.

All that got me glued to the book for two nights in a row. I found myself pushing 'okay one more chapter, one more page, one more line. Only to be sleeping at 3:30am and the second night at 4:30am when I finally finished the book.

Guess you can be lucky twice - when it comes to reading a good book :)

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