Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer

I’m the world’s best predator, aren’t I? Everything about me invites you in — my voice, my face, even my smell. As if I need any of that! Edward Cullen

I finished reading Twilight, a few days ago. Friday to be exact. It gave me a better pespective of the movie but nevertheless I'm glad that I saw the movie first which I must confessed that convert me to the book series fan. So am I gonna be biased about the book? Yes, I am :)

Stupid, shiny Volvo owner Bella Swan

My hubby watched the Twilight dvd ... finally. This morning while we were out running errand across town he saw a C30 Volvo and exclaimed 'hey, that's the car that vampire (what's his name?)in the movie was driving'. Of all the exciting scenes (for me)in the movie, my hubby only remembered the car Edward was driving.

And so the lion fell in love with the lamb…
What a stupid lamb.
What a sick, masochistic lion.
Edward and Bella

That has got to be my favourite quote from the book. I've got to detox myself from all this obsession of the book. So I'm currently reading Pride & Prejudice. Ha!Ha! yes the very same one I think I read many years ago during school. Don't ask me why. Trust me I'm having a tough time following its dialogue/conversation. It wasnt that hard before. Why o why am I torturing myself? My eldest son was confused and surprised when he learnt that I'm not reading Twilight serie 4 - Breaking Dawn. Told him, I'm not ready yet. Which of cos, confused him more.

You’re as white as a ghost — no, you’re as white as me! Edward Cullen


GMG said...

Hi Leo! He did remember the Volvo; you're a lucky girl... ;))

Blogtrotter (not me, I’m stuck here ;)) is profiting from the holidays in Lisbon this week and has a tour of Lake Galve, one of the beautiful lakes near Trakai, to show you! Hope you enjoy and have a great week!

Kerry Droll said...

If you gotta take a break from the vampires, Pride & Prejudice is a great book.