Thursday, July 2, 2009

Brain drain sessions

Starting tomorrow, I'll be going for a 3 days brain drain sessions organised by my company in the beautiful island of Pangkor. Mixing work with pleasure? Ha!ha! I wish. Been to similar sessions before and it was gruelling!! By the time they released us for dinner .. you are literally brain-dead..
So dont forget to tune in for my torture report later :)) If I live to tell my story, okay-okay just kidding! Have a good week ahead, people.


GMG said...

Hi Leo! Mixng work and pleasure? That's explosive... ;))

Blogtrotter is anticipating the 4th of July fireworks; but in a different country... ;) Have a great weekend (or vacation, should you have that chance...)!

Kerry Droll said...

They have to send you away for that? We used to get brain dead every day without the travel LOL!!!