Saturday, August 8, 2009

Brain drain - NOT

I'm sure you can't miss me ... not with that big fat arrow sticking out above my head ^_^. This post is way too long postponed. The management trip was more than one month ago and I said I was gonna write about it 'sigh' ... how time flies.

Well, nothing extra-ordinary happened. We kept ourselves pretty busy. The first day was filled with 'fun in the sun'. We played mini 'amazing asia' where we put our lazy muscles to work. There were 4 groups all together and my group won number two.
Our brain drain session started on the first night itself with ice-breaking session where each one of us were subjected to tell everyone 'what you don't know about me' confession game. That was kinda of interesting, with many stories that made you either laughed your heart out, popped your eyes or too stunned to response. Yeah, it was that wild. We are a bunch of hooligans, I must say :)

When the session officially starts the next day at 0800hr, the single thing that saved all of us were Michael Jackson's songs collection. It was less than a week after his demise - so the big boss filled his ipod with all MJ songs, hooked it into the speaker and played it in between the ciggy, toilet, refreshment, lunch, tea breaks. The rule of the day was whoever came in late was suppose to sing one line of MJ song (of their own choice) and of cos' accompanied by his moves. Very soon the come in late rule became come in last. So no matter how early you are, if you are the last one so you have to do a MJ. That was hilarious!! If there was any awards it would have gone to these two guys Sean (Head of Finance) and Mr Z (Exec Director). Sean from Sydney aka Mr GQ - turned his cap around chose Smooth Criminal from the ipod list and did the Moonwalk effortlessly accompanied by wild cheers from all of us! Whilst Mr Z was deemed the last to come in when all of us decided to play the prank on him (he was the one who came out wt the MJ 'punishment'idea). It was our last break for the day but when Mr Z went to the gents, ALL 45 of us rushed back into the room with our drinks etc and waited for him. He did suspect something when he realised he was alone at the empty hallway. Mr Z did bring the house down when he grabbed his groin ala MJ with Thriller.
We did push ourselves to finish the discussion and presentation till 6:00pm so we dont have to continue the next day. No worries, I won't bore you with the boring and serious content.
Dinner was BBQ at the area between pool and beach. The night was filled with songs from the 80's courtesy of the resort. At the table where I was sitted, everytime a new song came out we were trying to remember either the song title or the singer. That pretty much revealed our age lol. I retired early at about 10:45pm. By then almost half of us were already being thrown into the pool. Irregardless of your excuse, there were no mercy. You either choose the hard way, ran all the way across the beach with a group of lunatic (half were intoxicated) men chasing you or being carried away arms and legs (some while sitted on the beach chair and carried away like egyptian royalty) and swung into the pool, you go! It's almost like a ritual to all of our similar trip. Only this year, the casualties were lesser. Only one Blackberry and a Samsung handphone.

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Kerry Droll said...

Sounds like you had a good time and got some work accomplished in there somewhere lol! I miss those things - of course I always had a hard time taking management seriously after seeing how they behave drunk, but I still miss it lol! I would have sung the MJ songs without even being asked lol.

GMG said...

Hi Leo!
It seems it was more fun than anything else... ;))

Blogtrotter has some more Rural Iceland waiting for you, before heading to the Blue Lagoon. Enjoy and have a fabulous week!