Monday, August 17, 2009

Post birthday

I celebrated my birthday last Friday Aug the 14th. Happy to announce that I can still keep the title of by blog -thirty something ^_^

The work in progress meeting ends at about 1145hr. I rushed back to my desk and was met with a surprise birthday cake from my colleagues.

I took half day leave and went out for lunch at Tony Roma's at Mid Valley with hubby and Danish since Danial is still at school.

At night, we continued the celebration with another round of makan-makan at Uptown Hawker Centre. Yong Tau Fu Teluk Intan, fried kuey teow, nasi ayam, nasi goreng cina, rojak and my favourite air limau asam boi were the order of the night. Heaven ...

Hubby also bought me a leo charm to add to my silver Thomas Sabo charm bracelet. Bliss ^_^

All in all, it was a very good day. A wonderful prelude to the weekend.

Have a good week ahead everybody.

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GMG said...

Hi Leo!
Happy belated birthday! Count many...

Blogtrotter is leaving Iceland, but before departing it shows you the incredible Blue Lagoon. Enjoy and have a fabulous week!

Kerry Droll said...

Happy belated Birthday Leo!! So glad you had a good day - that food looks yummy!! Now I'm hungry lol! Here's to many many many more birthdays to come!! Have a great one!!