Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

"If I may ask, why did the man kill his wife? In fact, why did he ever have to feel sad to shed tears? Couldn't he have just smelled an onion?" So said the 7 year old Hassan and I subconsciously(if not already) fell in love with the character.

I had to laugh amidst my tears. The last book which managed to do exactly just that to me (torn between two opposite emotions) was Angela Ashes by the recently demise Frank McCourt.

The book was lend to me by my sis-in law K. Lin. In fact she loaned me 2 of Khaled Hosseini's best seller books (quite some time ago) BUT I was not ready to read it yet. I have the feeling that Kite Runner needs some serious concentration from me and its gonna be one of those intense book and I wasnt ready to ... cry especially. My taste in book change drastically after the passing of my father last February where I was so in need to get away from all of it that I dont want to drain myself emotionally. So I turned to reading unfamiliar characters which I dont have to relate to and if I were to cry bcos a girl is torn between her love towards a vampire and a werewolf so be it bcos somehow that is so far fetched. And so I indulged myself in many unfamiliar or different genres of books. Staying away as much as I can from the heart-wrenching ones (use to be my favourite).

Zendagi Migzara ... 'life goes on'

Two weekends ago I've decided that I am ready. And the book didnt dissappoint me. All the familiar emotions came rushing back to me and I embraced it gladly. The book was awesome. I wasnt paying much attention to the political background of the story (which was quite hard not to especially towards several chapters at the end) but more towards the turmoil relationship of the 2 boys Hassan (servant boy) and Amir (his master).

For you a thousand times over ...

I tried not to stay up too late especially on weekdays to read the book but the story kept pulling me back. It was so hard to resist. I finally put down the book last Tuesday night at 0110hr and suffered the next day at work.

But it was worth it.

ps/ I heard next month, one of the channel will be airing Kite Runner the movie. Okay got to wait for that one.

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