Monday, September 28, 2009

Wilder Sisters by Jo-Ann Mapson

'Destrozado' she said, using the Spanish word for 'broken' heart.

This is where I cried. Dont know why but somehow I felt the character's anguish in this story where she can barely speak of her sorrow. And somehow she's searching for some traditional remedy to make her forget her 'unreturn' love.

Ahh ... a love story. Yes but not entirely. It's about two sisters whom are poles apart in character but fiercely protective of each other. It took me almost a month to finish this. I was not in a hurry. After Kite Runner, I need something light, an unmemorable title to dilute my thoughts. This book served it purpose.

Towards the end of the book there is this prayer mentioned which I kinda like and wanna share it here: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Amen, to that.


GMG said...

Hi Leo!
Love the Art of the Day Escher drawing. Amazing!!

Blogtrotter is visiting Old Town Antalya in Turkey and waiting for you there... ;)
Enjoy and have a glorious weekend!

irma latif said...

he he... juz dropping by...

irma aka angel said...

oops... just realized sumthing... that needs to be changed... haven't been visiting my blog for a few years now... the name's no longer relevant...

leo said...

emmmmm!!! or is it angel? :) you are welcome anytime. do visit me often. that reminds me that i have to update my blog.