Monday, October 5, 2009

Kite Runner the movie

200px-Kite_Runner_filmImage by chrisuemach via Flickr

The second unofficial activity of the Not-So Bookclub of Sisterhood (and Kite Runner) Society after of cos reading the said book was watching the movie. It was unplanned but since all of us sisters, me - sis in laws and niece had read the book (well some were in the midst of reading the book and one not yet but will soon) and we were all excitingly exchanging notes with each other that we've decided on the 4th raya when all of us will be at one of my sis-in law house in Sri Iskandar that we will book the tv from our husbands and children and watch the movie.
The scene was like watching a movie at TGV cinema at the Gold class (but better) where we had K. Kema's coffee prepared and popcorn was replaced with muruku. The children were shoos away and some brave husbands tried to join the viewing only to quit less than 15 minutes except for Abg Helmi whom stay put (either out of courtesy since it is his house or he has nothing better to do :)).
There were plenty of dont tell me what happen next, do tell what happen, who is this guy, why did he do that etc. In short everything you would expect from a bunch of women, watching Kite Runner at 11pm after being deeply moved by the book.
So our next mission ... to watch Angela Ashes the movie. On Raya Haji perhaps?

1 comment:

GMG said...

Hi Leo! Didn't see this one. A lot to catch up... ;)

Blogtrotter is showing you Antalya. Enjoy and have a great week!