Sunday, October 25, 2009

Team Edward

26 days and counting before New Moon the movie hits the theatre.
I am sooo looking forward to see this. Although New Moon is my least favourite book in the series (I came to the conclusion after reading all 4 books in the series) but who in her right(or crazy) mind ignore Edward Cullen especially on silver screen? He's like the James Dean of vampires. That's the reason of why this book became my least favourite bcos Edward only appear in the beginning and at the end. But when he does ... all hell freezes over!!
But until then 25, 24, 23 ... *sigh*


GMG said...

Hi Leo! James Dean of the Vampires? No, thanks... I keep with the «Rebel without a cause»... ;))

Blogtrotter is now at Santa’s Homeland, an anticipated gift before Christmas ;) Enjoy and have a great week!

Kerry Droll said...

I'll bet you're excited! I still haven't seen or read any of it yet lol! One of these days...