Saturday, January 2, 2010

Farewell 2009

I'm nervous about 2010. Cant really put my finger on why ... but I do. Maybe bcos I was 'too' happy to welcome 2009 a year ago, only to have my father taken away from the family - so soon after (in late February).

But 2009 has also been filled with many good events and things happening to me and my family of which I know my father would have been proud of IF I can only share it with him. It's funny to think that I'm nearly forty but whenever I'm with him, I still acted like a young kid forever hungry for his praises and want him to always be proud of my achievement. Not that he said it out a lot, bcos my late father was a man with very few words but he did make an exceptional especially when it comes to his children achievements ... in anything at all.

Lately I found myself thinking more and more of my late father and usually at unexpected places or events. Like only yesterday, my family and I were at this shopping mall where I looked at all these sofas designed for people to take rest and I asked my kids 'remember who had sit here before and fell asleep while you boys had to wait for him while the rest of the family members went shopping?' My children exclaimed well and and loud ... atok lumut!!! (grandfather).

New year's eve had been uneventful for me. But I can hear plenty of fireworks from a distant. Like it or not, we still have to embrace 2010 and with it life's unfold events, surprises and miracles, irregardless whether we are ready for it or not.

Happy New Year.


Kerry Droll said...

A very Happy New Year to you!! I know what you mean about being reminded of your dad. I'm the same with my mom. It will be 13 years on Monday since she passed away and every single day something reminds me of her. It used to make me sad but now I'm reminded more of the good times and am able to smile when I think of her. Here's to a much better 2010 for everybody!!!

Phi said...

hey dear... happy new year... every year end when it comes to countdown I would have this mild depression... I rather think I am 25 forever hehehehe.... time just fly, it doesn't wait for anyone, it scares me.

Phi said...

oh ya and that horse racing calender of yours makes me laugh.... hehehehe


leo said...

Hey hey hey who do we have here? Am glad you found your way to my humble blog, Phoena. Yup the horse racing calendar, cant live without it. It never fails to predict the hari raya ^_^
Do visit often.