Sunday, January 30, 2011

Secret Garden (Korean drama)

Two days ago, I went to office feeling like I've been hit by a 10 tonne trailer the night before.

It's been quite some time since I watch a Korean drama that moved me and when I found this I couldn't catch the tv transmission time so I finally resolved to the ever accommodating www and that's when the trouble started. For 3 nights in a row, my bedtime is getting one hour later than the night before and the last 6 eps had me going over the board. I could have wait until the weekend but no I didn't. Keep telling myself, just one more eps over and over again until it was 4am and the damage has been done!
Needless to say I survived Friday at the office but not without difficulty. I was a walking zombie. And I have no one to blame but myself.

Okay back to the drama, I was completely smitten by the main character Kim Joo Won played by Hyun Bin. As a result, I'm now watching an old drama starring him too. Yes, this time I'll limit myself to 2 eps in a day. Pray: 'God, pls grace me the willpower to stop'. Amen.

The script included some lines from Little Mermaid tale:
the little mermaid's hand holding the knife was shaking..
but next, she tossed away the knife into the waves..
the little mermaid's sight of the prince faded..
and she threw her body into the ocean
and the little mermaid turns into bubble and disappeared..

Funny thing is I thought the book looked so much like Alice In Wonderland. LOL Maybe I was wrong.

While I'm recovering from the drama aftermath, this is one of the sound track from it which I adore. It has two version and this is the female one. Enjoy people and good luck to me ^_^


Anonymous said...

Hey! found you here... keep up with the postings!

your old school buddy from VA, USA.

leo said...

Hi Sharin, thanks for stopping by. Do come back often :))

Trotter said...

Amazing that your buddy found you here...