Sunday, January 1, 2012

A Thousand Years by Christina Perry

Happy 2012 people!!

Hope you enjoyed your new year eve. I didn't do anything special but family and I had supper at 1am at our favorite 'mamak stall'. So today is a late new year for the whole household.

Opening the blog for the first day of 2012 is this haunting tune. I have yet to watch Breaking Dawn the 4th sequel to the Twilight series. I'm gonna get the DVD. Soon I hope.

So here's wishing 2012 to be the best year yet for everybody. Enjoy the song.



Phi said...

no wonder this song is lingered in head for quite some times.... oh was you!!!!! Who put this in my head! LOL

oh no not again....... shhhh

leo said...

and now it's playing in my head. geez ;)